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Fighting spam: spam filtering tools
We have collected most interesting materials related to the spam, spam filtering, blocking spam and spam fighting problem. The amount of spam and junk emails grows every day and spam fighting is actual problem already for a few years.
Spam filters:
Anti-SPAM Guard by Business Solutions
AGAVA SpamProtexx by Softprotexx
Aldo's SPAM Cleaner by Aldo Vargas
Aloaha SPAM Rejector by Wrocklage Intermedia GmbH
BitDefender Antispam for Mail Servers (WIN SMTP Proxy) by SOFTWIN SRL
ID AntiSpam by Fastlink 2
Junk Mail Remover by 10-Strike Software
JunkSweep Outlook Anti-Spam by Verkata LLC
jwSpamSpy by joewein.de LLC
No Spam Today by Byteplant GmbH Software Solutions & Consulting
Spam - reBounder by aloba ag
Spam Blocker by Omniquad Ltd
Spam Eliminator by C Point Pty Ltd
Spam Protector 2003 by Babkin Software
Spam Punisher by Elprime Software, Inc.
Spam Reader by LuxContinent LLC
SpamAid by SoftLogica LLC
SpamRemover by ProductsFoundry
Other spam fighting related materials:
DMA Anti-Spam Resources by Direct Marketing Association
Spam related web-sites by DMOZ
Antispam articles by Paul Graham